To sharpen Iron, It takes something just as strong, something able to match its hardness,
ductility and strength. Another important factor to consider in sharpening iron, is that it also
requires contact of one source to the other.

In other words, it’s impossible to sharpen an iron without making it personal and intentional.
Therefore, we are honored that as men, made in the image and likeness of God, we can know
despite our feelings, we are already equipped to be that instrument of change to each other.
Our ministry is one of connection: to each other and to our Lord and Savior, Jesus the Christ.
We want to connect with you, that is, to get up close and personal, so the “Sharpening” can
happen. A ministry of Reciprocity: sharing, learning, assisting and upholding each other despite
the issues, struggle and fears; to be our “Brother’s keeper”.

Lastly, it’s a ministry in which we provide an environment for men to connect with God. Some
times as men, we find it a struggle to fully empty out and bask in the presence of the Holy Spirit
due to the thought that men ought to be macho, well let’s just say that it takes a macho man to
be able to become vulnerable in the presence of God.

It takes Iron to sharpen Iron and we need you.

Greg Elam

Ministry Leader

Fellowship Meetings

4th Wednesday of Each Month

A time of seeking God’s face.  Where men gather together to pray and fellowship with one another. As men of God, we strengthen, encourage, and edify each other.

For more information contact the church office at (770) 887-4679 or email