online giving


  1. Enter the Amount, Frequency, and the Fund that you wish to give to
  2. Click "NEXT"
  3. Select either "Continue with Email" or "Continue with Facebook"
  4. For first time users select "Sign Up" and follow the steps to create an account
  5. Link either a Credit Card or Bank Account to the account
  6. Finish processing the gift
  1. Text "FTGive" to 1-888-364-GIVE (4483)
  2. A link will be sent to your phone
  3. Click the link that is sent to you
  4. Enter the Amount, Frequency, and the Fund that you wish to give to
  5. Click "NEXT"
  6. Select either "Continue with Email" or "Continue with Facebook"
  7. For first-time users select "Sign Up" and follow the steps to create an account
  8. Link either a Credit/Debit Card or Bank Account to the new account
  9. Finish processing the gift
If you have any questions regarding giving online, please reach out to the church office at (770) 887-4679